Friday, April 24, 2009


Wikipedia Page

I made a page for myself on Wikipedia
To let people know of my contributions to the Earth
But the gods of the do it yourself encyclopedia
Told me that the amount of my sources was dearth
(That’s another way to say insufficient. Aren't you impressed with my vocabulary skills?)
They gave me 3 days to find some more sources
But then I was trampled by a pack of angry horses
In the allotted time I couldn’t get my page completed
And the gods of Wikipedia had it speedily deleted

Oh Wikipedia
How could you do this to me?
Your strict policies have crushed my dream
Your rejection dealt a fatal blow to my self esteem
Oh Wikipedia
I will still continue to search you
But just know that what you did to me
Left a hole in my heart that you can’t undo


There’s a place right by the TSC
Where valiant youth are known to be
Whose teachers always wear a suit
That place is the Logan Institute

With ping-pong, vending machines, and pool
The institute is a nice break from school
Come sit and learn from inspired men
Who end their lessons with a firm amen

If you’re interested in a holy pursuit
Come to the place with high repute
If I were you I’d find the fastest route
To the super righteous awesome Institute.